
I am rich

Infuse positive feelings about money

$68.00 $20.40

Oil Blend Benefits:
Inspires positive thinking about money. Releases anxiety and stress about personal financial situations.  

Chakra Activation: Heart 

Size: 10ml (0.33 fl. oz.)

Main scent notes:
Warm, Balsamic, Sweet

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How to use
These essential oil blends ease your healing in simple, effective ways. You’ll get the most benefit if you apply them correctly and regularly.

The 5 simplest, most effective ways to use Carol Tuttle Healing Oils:

• Direct Inhalation
• Bath
• Topical
• Diffusing
• Massage

For clear, in-depth instructions for each method, visit our “How to Use” page.
100% pure premium grade organic or wildcrafted Fennel, Juniper Berry, Ginger, Black Spruce, Peppermint, Black Pepper, Lime, Green Mandarin, Vetiver, Sandalwood, Coriander

Fennel has a slight black licorice scent and is beneficial for settling the stomach, cleansing the pancreas, and balancing blood sugar levels. Used in skin-strengthening formulas and for general circulation. Helps balance hormones in older adults. Used in specific anti-parasitic protocols..

Juniper Berry is traditionally used for kidney and urinary tract related issues. However, some of its other known benefits are purifying the blood, lymphatic stimulation, and weight loss. On the emotional side, it is effective in helping with stress, anxiety and various nervous disorders.

Ginger is a widely-used oil for stomach challenges. Like its donor plant, it has proven to be an effective oil for most nutritional support programs. Ginger tends to be warm and stimulating to the cardiovascular system. Helps ease fatigue.

Black Spruce works effectively in relieving fatigue, pain in bones and muscles, and most challenges to the respiratory system. Emotionally uplifting and yet calming to the nerves. Black Spruce is sometimes used in recipes for bug and mosquito repellents.

Peppermint is best known as a digestion aid. It generally helps to reduce gas, bloating, and relieves an upset stomach. It is excellent for relieving headaches and stress. A mental and physical stimulant, it can help you stay alert during long working hours or while driving. It can help reduce fevers and give immediate relief for minor injuries, such as a smashed finger. It also helps to clear the mind and bring focus.

Black Pepper is widely used and effective for muscle pain, stiffness, toxin removal, digestion, mental concentration and memory, and even arthritis and rheumatism. This is a common oil, indicated for use against several bacteria and virus related issues. A favorite to lessen the withdrawal symptoms normally associated with smoking and drugs.

Lime oil has many antioxidants which lend to its many anti-aging properties. A little goes a long way. It has a strong aroma and flavor when used in recipes. Its antidepressant properties leave one feeling refreshed and lighter, which may help with fear or anxiety. Use in a toner for oily, acne prone skin. Phototoxic—avoid direct exposure to the sun or tanning booths for 12 hours after use on skin.

Green Manderin generally used for issues such as constipation, cramps of the stomach and digestive tract. This oil is also used for nervous tension and insomnia. Effectively administered in teas.

Vetiver is one of the more popular and widely used root oils in aromatherapy. Accelerates scar removal and healing. Excellent for promoting nerve health. Provides relief from emotional trauma.

Sandalwood is an effective oil for short-term mental stress, as well as an oil used in many skin care related products. Cleopatra is said to have used it in her beauty regimen. It is also highly effective as an aphrodisiac oil for men.

Coriander has been used throughout history to stimulate the appetite by creating a unique flavor in foods. This oil has been known to help in circulation stimulation and lymphatic drainage. Coriander is also used in balancing blood sugar, helping with digestive issues and relieving muscular pains. The fresh aroma assists in the treatment of exhaustion, or fatigue.
Safety Notes
Safety Notes: Keep out of reach of children and avoid contact with eyes. Phototoxic- Avoid direct exposure to sun 12 hours after use on skin. If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark place with lids tightly secured.

Disclaimer: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or condition, or prescribe in any way. As with all essential oils, do not take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner. Always consult doctor before taking any oil.