I am confident

Strengthen self-esteem, elevate positive thinking

$58.00 Regular

Oil Blend Benefits:
Inspires positive thinking, emotional stability, and emotional resiliency. Clears the mind of negative thoughts. Strengthens intuition.  

Chakra Activation: Power, Throat

Size: 10ml (0.33 fl. oz.)

Main scent notes:
Spicy, Citrus, Balsamic

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How to use
These essential oil blends ease your healing in simple, effective ways. You’ll get the most benefit if you apply them correctly and regularly.

The 5 simplest, most effective ways to use Carol Tuttle Healing Oils:

• Direct Inhalation
• Bath
• Topical
• Diffusing
• Massage

For clear, in-depth instructions for each method, visit our “How to Use” page.

100% pure premium grade organic or wildcrafted essential oils of Cardamom, Spikenard, Sweet Orange, Clove Bud, Nutmeg, Peppermint, Carrot Seed, Frankincense

Cardamom is known for its digestive aid properties, including maintaining a healthy gut flora and improving appetite if sick. Use for opening up nasal and lung congestion. May improve poor blood circulation. Uplifts and energizes if worried, depressed, or fatigued.

Spikenard, sometimes called Nard. It is used in herbal medicines for minor health issues such as inflammation, muscle spasms, and heavy menstrual bleeding. It's an emotional support oil, calming the mind, centering one's thoughts, and clearing anxiety. Also anti-fungal.

Sweet Orange helps balance the thyroid and lymphatic system, making it beneficial for weight loss, treating water retention, and cellulite issues. Orange oil is an effective emotional aid oil. More Orange oil is produced worldwide, volume-wise, than any other oil. Slightly phototoxic.

Clove Bud oil is generally associated with mouth-related healing, such as easing toothaches and bad breath. It is also used for pain relief, against various infections and infectious diseases, and as a stimulant for the heart/nervous system and respiratory system. Its warming abilities contribute to its aid to the digestive system. Avoid when pregnant. Avoid when using blood thinners.

Nutmeg is commonly used as a spice. It also has strong pain relieving properties for joints and muscles, aids indigestion, and relieves cough and bad breath. Blood pressure and heart disorders may benefit from the use of Nutmeg. Reduces stress, and is an antidepressant. Use with caution when pregnant.

Peppermint is best known as a digestion aid. It generally helps to reduce gas, bloating, and relieves an upset stomach. It is excellent for relieving headaches and stress. A mental and physical stimulant, it can help you stay alert during long working hours or while driving. It can help reduce fevers and give immediate relief for minor injuries, such as a smashed finger. It also helps to clear the mind and bring focus.

Carrot Seed oil is commonly used for skin care and skin regenerating. It is also used effectively for glandular and internal organ support and cleansing. Like its parent plant, the carrot, it is many times indicated for support of the eyes, general overall stimulation for the body and an energy boost. Use with caution if pregnant.

Frankincense is highly desired. This oil strengthens the respiratory system, rejuvenates the skin, and is anti-humoral. It has the unique ability to pass the blood-brain barrier, aiding both physically and emotionally. It is hugely beneficial for strengthening the immune system. Aids in balancing emotions in times of depression, anxiety, grief, stress, and trauma.
Safety Notes
Safety Notes: Keep out of reach of children and avoid contact with eyes. Consult physician if pregnant, us with caution. Phototoxic- Avoid direct exposure to sun 12 hours after use on skin. If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark place with lids tightly secured.

Disclaimer: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or condition, or prescribe in any way. As with all essential oils, do not take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner. Always consult doctor before taking any oil.