Feel confident that every item you add to your cart (and closet) is true to your Type

The Style Kit is your personal, portable style coach

Order your Style Kit

You get to create a new wardrobe. How exciting!

Dressing Your Truth helps you build the most amazing wardrobe you’ve ever had in your life.

I’ve guided hundreds of thousands of women through this process—and I know the mistakes you’re likely to make. After all, stores don’t organize clothes by Type!

That’s why I poured years into creating the Style Kit for you. It eliminates guesswork and saves you money and time.

Honestly, without The Style Kit, you’ll make mistakes.

But you don’t have to!

Let me help you create a personal style that expresses the truth of who you are. Get your Style Kit today.

Carol Tuttle

If I gave you 40 clothing items without the Style Kit, could you sort them correctly by Type?

See how well one woman does (both with and without the Style Kit)

What Your Style Kit Will Help You Do

Find items perfect for your Type

No more hours in the dressing room. Goodbye endless online returns. Scan the options and see wardrobe winners easily.

Build a wardrobe that works together

When every item in your closet is true to your Type, outfits come together easily.

Feel your personal confidence grow

Look in the mirror and feel great about who you are and how you look, so your confidence can come forward every day of your life.

Get the kit that makes it happen

“The Style Kit makes shopping fun! I can scan the racks quickly and choose garments that look fantastic on me! So worth the money. Mistakes are a thing of the past.”

—Doreen D.

“I cant believe I went so long without a style guide. It changed everything.”

—Jolie S.

“I’ve been dressing Type 4 for 2 years and I still use my Style Kit quite often. Some colors are so tricky and it really helps to check. Plus I use them to find clothing for my family members of different Types. I’ve never regretted purchasing them.”

—Jolie H.

What You Get in Your
Dressing Your Truth Style Kit

Style + Pattern Guides

Full and wallet-size guides for all 4 Types. It’s like taking the Beginner’s Guide along with you in your purse.

Color Tutorials

Can you easily spot your Type’s colors? These 10 videos train your eye and boost your confidence when you shop.

Personal Support

Building a new style is a process, filled with questions. That’s why we send 30 days of emails written personally by Carol to guide you.

Bonus 1

Supportive private Facebook group, just for your Type

Bonus 2

It’s Just My Nature in audio and ebook formats

Order your Style Kit today

“Without having the Style Kit, I tried shopping my Type and got maybe 10 shirts I thought worked, but only actually felt great in one of them.”

—Delcia C.

Our Love-Your-Style

We’re sure you’ll love the Style Kit! But if you
find it’s not for you, return it for a refund within
30 days, no questions asked.

  • Our Support Angels are always here for you

  • Questions answered quickly by real people

  • Love your Style Kit in 30 days, or get a refund

Feel confident about your
new style—and yourself

Order your Dressing Your Truth Style Kit today


Style Kit

  • Style & Pattern Guides to take with you shopping

  • Color Mastery Video Collection to train your eye

  • My personal support in 30 days of email guidance


  • Access to your Type’s private Facebook group

  • It’s Just My Nature audio book and ebook


DYT Style Kit $199
Discount 70% Off -$140
Shipping FREE
Today’s total only $59
IJMN Book & Style Kit $209
Discount 67% Off -$140
Shipping FREE
Today’s total only $69

Your order is secure. All transactions are secure and verified by 3rd-parties.

Answers to your questions

I’m not sure of my Type yet. Should I still buy the kit?

Yes! Keep moving forward and your Type will come clear! The Style Kit includes bonuses to support you: audio and ebook versions of It’s Just My Nature. The book describes all 4 Types of people in depth, which will give you greater clarity.

This feels like a big investment…

Imagine you had a formula to pick winning items and get your money’s worth out of every purchase. That formula is (you guessed it) the Style Kit! Without it, you’ll be guessing, which will waste your time and money. Women who get the kit say it’s worth every penny.

How do I receive everything in the kit?

The Style & Pattern Guide cards come to you in the mail. (Shipping is free.) You receive the 30 days of emails, links to videos, and access to the private Facebook group through the email address on your account.

before you go...

What’s stopping you from getting your Style Kit?

We hear you! That’s why we offer a 30-day guarantee. You can try out your Style Kit, risk free.

Order today and we’ll put it in the mail

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Keep creating your personal style
with the Beginner’s Guide

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