What would it feel like to pay
all your bills, save for later, help
others, and have plenty left
over to make family memories?
In just 30 days, you can be on that path—permanently.
Your first step is just saying, “Yes, I want it.”
Start the 30-Day Money Cure
You know that feeling.
The tight feeling of worry or dread that hits your stomach.
If you’re like many people, you’ve felt it at least once in the last month.
Maybe you were in a checkout line, nervous about how much you were about to spend. Or paying bills, you felt a nagging worry you might not have enough (even if you have plenty).
Chronic worry about money releases stress hormones, tires you out, and puts your health at risk.
Plus, your worry actually blocks money (more on that in a second).
Money stress is real,
and it’s slowly killing you.
You’re not the only one. Most families (rich or not) stress about money sometimes. In the United States where I live:
Of adults have worried
about money in the
last four weeks.
Of them feel anxious about
the future of the economy.
Stress isn’t limited by income. Even 50% of millionaires
worry that one wrong financial move could ruin them.
I was stressed like that
—for years at a time.
I’m Carol Tuttle and in 1995, I was up to my eyeballs in debt. $50,000 in credit cards. No stable income.
And I can tell you, that stress and fear took a toll—on my marriage, on my health, and on my ability to be present for my four young children. Making money felt like a lot of hard work without much to show for it.
Anxious and depressed, I knew I couldn’t keep living that way.
And that’s when I made my discovery.
The problem wasn’t in my budget or paycheck or money management skills. The stress (and the solution!) went deeper than that.
I found that my energy system sent a signal out to the world—a mindset that money responded to. And my mindset was full of scarcity. In other words, I was energetically blocking money!
To attract more money into my life, I had to first
change the beliefs and perceptions I had.
Only then did I experience results.
I improved my relationship with money the way you build a friendship—one interaction at a time:
Every time I opened my wallet.
Every time I went to the store.
Every time money went into or out of my account.
When I discovered exactly what to do in those daily experiences, I attracted money to me. Debt resolved itself. And money flowed into my life to take care of my family and helped me pursue my dreams.
Once I mastered the basics of attracting money, the next level was even more beautiful.
I now have enough money to live on purpose. I never worry because I know money will be there to support me in doing what matters most to me.
That kind of abundance isn’t luck—it’s living in balance with money and believing that it will always be there to support you.
And I can show you how it’s done.
What took me 20+ years,
I’ll show you in 30 days.
I created the 30-Day Money Cure to help you…
Pay bills with money left over
Ever buy something and then feel worried about how much you have left? Or felt your stomach clench when you check your account balance? That worry is energy that deflects money! I’ll help you attract plenty, so you can focus on what matters.
Attract money and save it
I guarantee that you’ve put some sort of limitations on how much money is allowed to come to you. In other words, you’re telling money, “No.” Unless you shift your energy first, you’ll find it difficult to budget, save, or get ahead with typical financial advice. Let’s clear away your blocks.
Make meaningful memories with family
For you, that might mean a family vacation. Or special experiences or lessons for your kids. Or putting your kids or grandkids through school. Whatever matters to you most, money is a tool that can give you options and make dreams easier to achieve.
Live in a home you love
The space you live in daily has a huge effect on your well-being. From buying a home to improving on the one you’ve got, money makes more choices possible. I’ll give you tools to build a reality out of your daydreams.
Fulfill your purpose in the world
One of my greatest joys is teaching people how easy (yes, easy!) it is to attract money by changing their financial energy and story. We’ll make money work for you so you can be free to follow your heart.
Is the 30-Day Money Cure for you?
Yes! Especially if one of these sounds like you…
I know what I
would do with
more money.
I want money
to come to me
while I’m doing
what I love.
I want to save
enough money for
later in life.
I want the
principles of
abundance to
become real in
my life.
You should also know
what this course is NOT.
This course is NOT a get-rich-quick scheme that promises you a million dollars and a red Ferrari by the end of the month. (Though if you want that, go ahead and manifest it!)
If you’re on this page, I believe you’re more conscious than that. You know that creating money isn’t just about buying more and more fancy stuff. The goal of this course is to help you attract abundant resources so you can actually think less about money and focus on your family, on your dreams, and on your LIFE.
Apply what I teach in this 4-week journey, and I guarantee that you will shift your experience of money from one of struggle to one of abundance that will last your entire life.
What’s included in the 30-Day Money Cure?

The 4 weeks of this course follow a pattern: an audio training, guided journaling, video clearing sessions, and simple daily practices that change your life as you do them. You also get access to the private Healing Center online group, where my team and I personally answer questions. Get ready to attract a constant flow of money into your life.
Clearing Your Energetic Money Blocks
I guarantee that you’re carrying around beliefs about money that hurt you in the long run. We’ll find and remove them. Picture the relief of pulling out a sliver.
Weekly audio training with Carol
Workbook Part 01:
Clearing Your Personal Money Blocks
Daily Script to Create Financial Abundance
Videos to Clear Your Money Blocks
How to Do Energy Tapping for Money
Clearing Your Limiting Beliefs and Energy Blocks With Money
Healing Session: Releasing Your Family Story & Getting Past the Wall of Debt
Increasing Your Financial Upper Limit
Money struggles aren’t enjoyable, but they’re familiar—that’s why they stick around. After this week, you’ll see exciting financial options that you didn’t even think were possible for you before.
Weekly audio training with Carol
Workbook Part 02:
Expanding Your Vibrational Comfort Zone
Personal Energy Test
Reset Your Financial Set Point
Videos to Increase Your Financial Upper Limit
Clearing Psychological Reversals With Money
Healing Session: Curing Your Money Self-Sabotage When You Can Never Get Ahead
Your Money Profile & Patterns That Block Money
There are 4 Types of people, and they relate to money in 4 unique ways. In this week, we cover all 4 Money Profiles to discover your secret money strengths (and challenges).
4 personal audio trainings with Carol:
One for each of the 4 Money Profiles
Workbook Part 03:
The 4 Money Profiles
Discover Your Personal Money Strengths
Videos for Your Unique Money Profile
Type 1: How to Make Money Fun Without Overspending
Type 2: How to Speak Up & Stop Worrying About Every Penny
Type 3: How to Stop Feeling Stifled & Say "Yes" to More Money
Type 4: How to Create Balance Instead of Money Extremes
Empowering You to Be a Money Magnet
In our last week together, we tap into the secret money strength of your Money Profile to increase your money flow and accumulation. You’ll also learn about Money Profile combinations to turn your challenges as a couple into strengths.
Weekly audio training with Carol
Money Magnet Affirmations for all 4 Money Profiles
Workbook Part 04:
Money Profile Couple Combinations: Strengths & Challenges
Discussion Questions for You and Your Partner
Couples and Money Healing Session Videos
When One Spouse Controls and the Other One Spends
How to Work Together When You're Financially Drowning
Meet Your Money Profile
You attract money (and block it) in ways unique to you. In this course, you’ll discover what those ways are.
The 4 Money Profiles are based on my Energy Profiling system. In the 30-Day Money Cure, I’ll give you in-depth guidance for your Money Profile. Time to understand why you don’t always see eye to eye with others about finances.
And this information isn’t available anywhere else.

Life-changing support
from Day 1 to Day 30
Just knowing this info won’t get you where you want to go. Living it will.
This course doesn't just give you info—it helps you practice living and feeling that info in your daily experience.
30 days of daily exercises
Shifting your energy with money requires daily practice. I’ve created 30 daily messages with affirmations and activities to help you to solidify your practice of financial abundance.
Online support group
As you go through each week, you may have questions or stories to share. My support team and I are active in the online group for Healing Center members, so you have access to the help you need.
Yes, this course is on demand
You can start this course any time, and all the materials are ready for you to watch and use at any time. You can also get live, responsive support from me and my team, as well as fellow members in our private online group.
You can count on success.
Here’s what my past students have to say:

I believed money was
something I had to struggle
with my entire life.
I lived from paycheck to paycheck. I never understood how much I was creating my demise. Now that has all changed. I really trusted you and put it to the test and the results show for themselves. I have started my own business and am seeing more money flow and accumulate than I ever have in my life. Thank you for sharing this Carol.
“You have helped me clear many of my old beliefs and I can recognize many others. I am not the depressed withdrawn person any more and I am seeing good results with my husband as well.”
“I was unemployed, and severely depressed. I felt like a complete failure. Thanks to you I am back on my feet again, have a job I love that is perfect for me and have never been happier. I appreciate all I have learned and continue to learn from you.”

I used to allow money to rule
me, to have control,
and was stuck in a survival energy pattern. Carol's work empowered me to create a new script that completely transformed my relationship with money. This allowed me to shift into a higher frequency of service energy and gratitude, while creating a new experience where money is now working FOR me. Thank you, Carol!
52 Money Creation Games
Who said that manifesting money has to be a drag? (Hint: that’s actually a belief that keeps you stuck.)
I’ve created 52 energetic games that you can play as you go through your day and interact with money. They draw your attention to flowing and accumulating more money in your life each day.
$100 Bill Game
Money Dance
The Joyful Giver
Passive Income Creator

Raising Financially
Abundant Children
I find great joy in seeing my children thrive financially at a young age. This bonus audio and workbook section help you teach your children what I have taught mine.
When one generation changes their energy with money, the generations that follow receive the new vibration, which makes creating financial abundance easier for them.

How do I get instant access to this online course?
You get my 30-Day Money Cure by joining The Carol Tuttle Healing Center. The Healing Center is an online collection of my work that helps you heal your life on a deep level.
I used to sell The Money Cure course on its own for $297. But I decided to make it even more accessible by including it in my online Healing Center that only costs $69 a month. When you join, you not only get The Money Cure—you also get access to all 130+ healing sessions and plans in my Healing Center.
You follow along with me on screen, just as if you were my personal client, as I guide you through the process of healing your life.
After your free trial, monthly membership is $69.

The Complete
Cure Guarantee
I’m certain that your 30-day experience will change your life (and your bank account). I’ll give you that amount of time to be as certain as I am. If you find this isn’t the course for you, return it in 30 days, no questions asked.

It’s time to feel financially secure,
confident, and free. I’ll show you how.
The entire 30-Day Money Cure course that I used to offer for $297
Exclusive insight into how your Money Profile affects your finances and relationships
Live encouragement in private member Facebook group
Access to all Healing Plans in The Carol Tuttle Healing Center
Get Started With Your 14-Day Free Trial:
No charge until your free trial ends. Cancel anytime.
After your free trial, monthly membership is $69.
More success from past students:

I believed that money
was hard to come by
That it was humility to be poor. I also believed that I was the exception to the rule of being able to have financial freedom. Now I am enjoying the benefits of having a healthy relationship with money. It is always there to support me and my family never feels deprived. I see now that money is a resource, and like anything else, if used and cared for wisely it will grow and expand and meet your needs and wants.

“Before studying Carol's teachings, I had a problem with my "deserve level” — that is, I had problems believing I deserved money and an affluent life. Carol's easy to understand principles taught me that it flowed either away from or to me based on what I thought and spoke about it. Once I understood that, I was able to change my thinking and words to reflect abundance and not scarcity. Since doing this, I have experienced money coming to me out of the blue right when I needed it!”
—Tracy L.

I started a new business last year and it did not do as well as expected which has left us with credit card debt. As I was doing the figure eight [in Carol’s video], bringing in money and giving it out, I really believed it was possible. Later that day my husband came home and said, “The stock market went way up today and I was able to sell some stock”. The amount far exceeded what I ever could have imagined. Thank you for teaching me this exercise. I am now a true believer.
—Mary S.
What’s stopping you?
I’m too busy.
Excellent. That means you’ve got a lot going on—and a lot of places to practice what you’ll learn in this course. You can listen to the audios on the go. The clearing videos pack a lot into 5-15 minute segments. And the time you spend in the course workbook is relatively short (and so enlightening!) What gets you results is implementing what I teach in your busy life.
I can’t afford it
Please let me stop you right there. Cut that phrase from your vocabulary—forever. It keeps you energetically stuck. Consider saying, “I can afford to believe in it, and I am allowing the money to show up for me.” If your priority is this course, I know the means can show up for you! (That tip’s on me.)
It won’t work for me.
We’re conditioned to experience money as a difficult struggle! But in this course, we’re not making something “work.” Together, we’ll play and practice to get these principles of abundance into your life. Amazing things will show up!
It’s time for you to have a
30-Day Money Cure
The entire 30-Day Money Cure course that I used to offer for $297
Exclusive insight into how your Money Profile affects your finances and relationships
Live encouragement in private member Facebook group
Access to all Healing Plans in The Carol Tuttle Healing Center
Get Started With Your 14-Day Free Trial:
No charge until your free trial ends. Cancel anytime.
After your free trial, monthly membership is $69.
Will the 30-Day Money Cure really work? Don't I just need a raise or a budget?
Your experience with money is determined by your energy, beliefs, and feelings about money—your energy or vibration. Unless you are living in an affluent vibration, you can try other tactics, but they won’t stick, even if you make a lot of money. (Some people who make six figures never seem to have any money.) This 30-day process will you get you in an affluent energy so you attract money naturally and other tactics become effective.
How much money will I make from taking this course?
The goal of this course is to teach you how to attract abundant resources that support the life choices that are correct for you. That amount is unique for everyone. In this course, you will learn how to assess your current financial set point and upper limit, as well as how to expand that upper limit in a way that your energy will support. Get ready. Graduates of this course have had truly life-changing results, with new opportunities showing up to support them that they never could have planned.
Why should I sign up for The Money Cure now?
Sometime this week, you'll interact with money. And all those transactions will be influenced by your habits and energetic patterns. Will they lead to affluence and ease or to anxiety and financial frustration? You need the transformation this course offers right now, or you'll never get off that hamster wheel. And I make it so easy to get started.
What if I can't afford this course?
Consider the possibility that this course is an investment that will pay itself off in the long run, especially at the price it's being offered at now. I used to sell this course for $289. Now that it's been integrated into The Healing Center, you can get the first two weeks free, and after that, it's only $69. Imagine what you might spend $69 on over the next three months. Even small and supposedly cheap things add up (a snack here, an app there). Make an investment in yourself and in the life you’ve always wanted to have.