Can I just buy the Glow-Up Course independent of The Healing Center?
This course is part of The Healing Center and can only be accessed with a free trial or Healing Center subscription. The healing process is personal and I want you to have access to every healing resource I've created. That way, you
can use all of them without worrying about extra cost.
Do I have to subscribe or can I buy the course outright?
I offer you a 14-day free trial so you can make sure that The Healing Center is right for you. Once your trial ends, your subscription begins, giving you continued access to the full library of resources, including new sessions
every time I add them. Your subscription also gives you access to a vibrant Facebook group where I respond to individual questions in real-time. You can cancel any time.
Do I have to be a member of Facebook to participate?
We offer a highly active, supportive, private group on Facebook as part of your subscription. While some Healing Center members choose not to interact on Facebook, they still find their membership to The Healing Center to be
powerful without it. So the answer is: No, you do not need to be on Facebook to participate. But you may want to consider joining us there to get the added value of what we offer within the group!