You know he’s amazing.
Help him to look like it.

He can have the same confidence that Dressing Your Truth gave you.

Scott, 33Type 1

You know he’s amazing.
Help him to look like it.

He can have the same confidence that Dressing Your Truth gave you.

Jimmy, 29Type 2

You know he’s amazing.
Help him to look like it.

He can have the same confidence that Dressing Your Truth gave you.

Casey, 31Type 3

You know he’s amazing.
Help him to look like it.

He can have the same confidence that Dressing Your Truth gave you.

JR, 34Type 4

Real men, real lives, real results.

You’ve seen what Dressing Your Truth has done for you.
See what it can do for the man in your life...

See him for who he truly is.
It will make you both happier—promise.

If you want him to better understand you and experience greater success in life, start with
Energy Profiling, the first step in the Dressing Your Truth for Men course. How does he move through life?

Is he lively, light-hearted, and spontaneous?

Is he easy-going, observant, and relaxed?

Is he dynamic, swift, and passionate?

Is he thorough, focused, and efficient?

Which Energy Type does he express?

Is he a Type 1 Man?

The Type 1 Man is
naturally fresh
and fun.

  • Natural gift: Having new ideas, inspiring hope.
  • Priority: Trying new experiences.
  • Codeword: Fun!
Meet Scott
Age 33, Salesman

In a nutshell: I have felt more masculine, more open, more confident, and less concerned with what others think.

In Scott's words...

Is he a Type 2 Man?

The Type 2 Man is
naturally detailed
and easy-going.

  • Natural gift: Creating comfort, bringing peace.
  • Priority: Having a plan.
  • Codeword: Cool.
Meet Jimmy
Age 29, Entrepreneur

Learning to communicate effortlessly through my personal energy has given me the confidence to speak up.

In Jimmy's words...

Is he a Type 3 Man?

The Type 3 Man is
naturally dynamic
and rugged.

  • Natural gift: Moving into action, motivating others.
  • Priority: Getting things done.
  • Codeword: Awesome.
Meet Casey
Age 31, Academic Tutor

DYT is the most immediately useful, accessible, and empowering system of its kind that I have come across.

In Casey's words...

Is he a Type 4 Man?

The Type 4 Man is
naturally bold
and distinct.

  • Natural gift: Creating balance, inspiring respect.
  • Priority: Creating efficiency.
  • Codeword: Exactly.
Meet JR
Age 34, Sr. Manager UX

It’s really not even about fashion. It’s about recognizing and honoring our innate natures with integrity in everything we think and do and feel.

In JR's words...

What does he get out of
Dressing Your Truth for Men?

As a Lifestyle Member, you know that Dressing Your Truth this isn’t just about clothes. It's about living true to YOU. That's true for this men's course, too. In addition to getting in-depth info to help him look his best, you’ll also hear useful insight that helps you understand each other better.

A course tailored to who he truly is.

You can find advice about men’s clothing anywhere. But only Dressing Your Truth for Men shows you how
to shop in a way that brings out his natural strengths and features. He’ll be as amazed by the results as you are.

The 5 elements you know... Applied to him
(Shopping for him just got so much easier!)

When Dressing Your Truth Lifestyle Members asked for a men’s course, they wanted to know how their 5 Elements of Dressing Your Truth applied to men. What about ties? Suits? Casual wear? How can he pull together a look that’s true to him and helps him get ahead life? Good news. It’s all here.

Design Line

Which tie should he wear?

Did You Know

Dressing Your Truth for Men makes
shopping and dressing quicker and easier
for you both—with smart-looking results.

The Style Gallery.
Easy to see. Ready to inspire.

The Style Gallery is a feature filled with visual examples and written pointers to get the most mileage out of his wardrobe. The videos in this section are quick, minute-long snippets that cover one item— like hats or watches. These quick videos give you helpful, easy-to-find refreshers for when it's time to shop.

Style Guides for Men Sold separately

They're called Style Guides. And they're designed for men in mind, with quick references on front and back to keep him looking smart. When you purchase, you get a full set for all 4 Energy Types (both full and pocket-size versions).

Wallet size included

A handy reference
that’s also discreet.

Enjoy each other more
than ever before.

  • Understand each other even better
  • Strengthen your important relationships
  • Gain new personal insight & perspective
  • Learn how to improve communication
  • Look great together, Dressing Your Truth

We’re always here for you.

You will get so much value out of your Dressing Your Truth for Men course—we’re certain of it. But if you find it’s not for you, we’re here to help! You can get a full refund within the first 30 days, no questions asked.

  • Our support team’s always here for you
  • Questions answered quickly by a real person
  • Love it in 30 days, or get a refund

DYT for Men is a bonus course available within our Lifestyle membership. By becoming a Lifestyle member, you will have full access to:

  • Dressing Your Truth for Men

  • StyleInspire

  • Entire library of Lifestyle videos

  • A bustling private Facebook Group

  • 500+ tutorials

  • Free shipping & exclusive discounts

  • Live coaching calls

  • Discounted international shipping

It’s time to show him how great this is.

Imagine both of you, living and Dressing Your Truth. Imagine both of you feeling confident and loving the way you look together. Take that next step with the supportive online program that will get you there.

  • Monthly Membership


    A month-to-month option to enjoy the membership.

    Join Today
  • Most Popular

    Annual Membership

    $7.95/mo.One-time payment of $95.40

    Get your whole year covered and get 4 months free!

    Join for a year

Cancel any time.

We only want you to be a Lifestyle member if it improves your life and helps you feel beautiful. If you find it's not for you in the first 30 days, we'll refund your money in full. After that, whenever you want to stop your membership, you can cancel easily at any time. There's no risk—especially when you love it as much as we think you will.


  • Do I get all 4 Types’ courses when I order?

    Good news: yes, you do! When you become a Lifestyle member, you get access to the FULL Dressing Your Truth for Men's course—for all 4 Types. This includes all 4 Types’ tutorial videos and Style Galleries.

  • Can I buy the Dressing Your Truth for Men's course without joining Lifestyle?

    We've made the course even more affordable for you by adding it to our Lifestyle membership. Now, you can get the very best premium content for both men and women all in one place, without having to purchase everything separately.

  • Do we need to know his Energy Type for the course to work?

    No. In fact, the very first thing you'll be guided through is a process to discover his Energy Type so you can understand him even better. Since you have access to all 4 courses, you can watch any of them, anytime!

  • I want him to Dress his Truth, but he’s not interested. What do I do?

    Waiting for him to change keeps you both stuck. So don’t wait. Get the Lifestyle membership and watch both of your lives get better! Apply what you learn when you talk to and shop for him. The results he sees can change his mind!

  • He doesn’t like to shop. So how does this course save me money?

    Dressing Your Truth makes his wardrobe more efficient. He might not be shopping all the time, but Dressing Your Truth gets more mileage out of every item you DO buy. He can own less and look more amazing.